Dr Mark Nasila
Dr Mark Nasila is the Chief Data and Analytics Officer of FirstRand Risk, and a Singularity University Faculty for Artificial Intelligence, Data science and Data strategies. He is also a steering committee member of the National Institute for Theoretical Physics and Computational Sciences (NITheCS) and a research fellow at Stellenbosch University. As an experienced AI and data science expert, he ensures the techniques and methodologies he introduces into FNB are at the forefront of where banking is headed, both locally and internationally. He is the developer and the brain behind Manila, an AI system FNB has harnessed to reimagine its risk management and forensic due diligence processes. He holds a PhD in Mathematical Statistics from the Nelson Mandela University, and is also an alumni of the SingularityU South Africa Executive programme. He was named one of the Corinium Global Intelligence ‘2020 Global Top 100 Innovators in data and analytics’.